Page 12 - Great North Swiss Pairs
P. 12
The latest release of Bridgemate software [v3.7.6] and
firmware [v3.1] is now available by download via the Support
section of our website. Recently-added facilities that clubs
may be interested in include:
• specific support for teams and imp-scored events
• amend/add player names at any stage in an event
• TD Calls from the Bridgemate are reported on the
scoring computer, notified to TDs using the
Bridgemate app, and alerted on TD Pagers
Results from this event, including analysed hand records,
are being uploaded to the Bridgemate app-server. To
access these results you need to install the app on your I-
phone or Android, and add YCBA as a club [in Yorkshire].
Each day will appear on the app as a separate event.
The app isn’t VP-aware, so you’ll need to convert your
percentage for the 7-board match into VPs using the table
on page 3. The timing of results availability on the app is at
the discretion of the event organisers.
Bridgemate UK is an independent company with sole
distribution rights for Bridgemate systems in the UK and
Ireland. Refer to the web-site, email, or call 01628 762724 for further