Page 2 - Norfolk Swiss Teams
P. 2

52nd Norfolk Congress: Swiss Teams

Today’s Swiss Teams event comprises seven 7-board
matches. In the Australian-style movement being used
today, NS pairs remain at their home tables throughout, EW
pairs exchange tables for each match. Assignments for each
subsequent match are notified via the Bridgemates.

We’re playing in two sessions, with a meal break of
approximately one hour between matches 3 and 4. We
expect to finish around 7.15pm.

Each board is imp-scored, and the team’s total net imp
score for the match is converted into Victory Points. Imp and
VP tables are provided under the Match 7 score-sheet.

Match       Congress Summary  Posn.
   1   v. Imps VPs Tot VPs

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7