Page 6 - NWBA Swiss Pairs
P. 6
Match 7 v. Pair: at Table:
Bd Vul Contract/ By Lead Score MPs
Result +-
2 NS
3 EW
4 All
5 NS
6 EW
7 All
Entering and Checking Results on the Bridgemate
The best time for North to enter the contract, declarer, and
opening lead is as soon as the auction is complete. Where
the Bridgemate system has hand records available, the lead
may be verified as being consistent [when the final result is
entered] with the hand on lead.
As East or West, make sure you check the sign of the score
on the Bridgemate before you accept it. Scores are shown
from the NS point of view so, if you’ve beaten a NS contract
or made a contract yourselves as East or West, the resultant
score shown should be negative. If the score doesn’t have the
sign you expect, check that the declarer has been entered