Page 11 - Northern Easter Festival Swiss Pairs
P. 11
Bridgemates and EBU Numbers
Particularly since the introduction of P2P and the
consequent expansion of EBU membership, it’s very
common for Bridgemate-using clubs to use EBU numbers as
the means of players identifying themselves at the
Bridgemate handset at the start of an event.
Using EBU numbers provides an additional, optional
capability for the club, whereby the national database may
be used as a secondary lookup for EBU numbers which are
not found within the club’s own database.
If for example you have visitors playing at your club, they
can enter their EBU number, be identified by name on the
Bridgemates throughout the event, and optionally be added
automatically as visitors to your club database.
Popular scoring programs in the UK and Ireland provide the
option to download the national union database from time to
time as changes are made. It’s quite a good idea to create a
folder, say C:\Bridgemate, and amend the location of this
database [and the Bridgemate log files] to this folder.
Checking Scores
Please check particularly that the score shown on the
Bridgemate has the correct sign: scores to NS are positive
[no sign], scores to EW are negative. If the sign is wrong,
this probably means the declarer has been mis-entered