Page 2 - EBU Seniors Congress Swiss Pairs
P. 2

Seniors Congress Swiss Pairs

Today’s Swiss Pairs is open to pairs eliminated from the
Championship Pairs at the end of Friday evening and for
pairs who have joined the Congress today. The 2-session
event comprises nine 6-board matches as follows:

• 11.00am – 2.15pm  Matches 1-4
• 2.45pm – 7.30pm   Matches 5-9
                    [with a short break]

The event is scored on a current-round basis, i.e. your
opponents for each round are determined by your overall
score at the end of the round just completed. Your next-
round assignments are notified via your Bridgemate.

Each board is match-pointed across the field, and each
pair’s percentage for the six boards is converted into VPs
using the tables opposite the scoring summary table.

0.21 green points are awarded per match won, and 0.11 per
match drawn, with bonus ranking awards awarded to the top
eighth of the field.

Level 4 agreements are permitted.

This is an app-enabled event – see The Bridgemate App.
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