Support Doubles/Redoubles


Support doubles/redoubles are used by opener to show exactly 3-card support for responder's major suit.

Once a partnership agrees to play support doubles then using the bid to show 3-card support is opener's top priority.

The Specifics

The Subsequent Auction

One beneficial aspect of the support double/redouble is that it's only made in one situation, i.e. opener's first rebid after RHO has bid, and that it conveys just one very precise message. Subsequent bidding is completely natural. Following opener's support double/redouble, responder will clarify his/her hand: whether the original 1-major showed a 5-card suit [or longer], whether he/she is interested in progressing beyond the 2-level, etc.


Googling Support Doubles will bring up quite a few articles, predominantly American in origin. These are useful, but we have to bear in mind that they're against a background of a strong no trump and 5-card majors.

The 'Debate' in the October 2011 edition of English Bridge between Jeremy Dhondy and Richard Fleet was on support doubles. Click Support Doubles Are a Good Convention for a copy of this article.

Go to the Members Only section of the Burnham web-site and click on Members Facilities, from where you can access the seminar material on this subject as presented by, well, me.