Multi Landy - A defense to One No Trump |
When the opponents open one No Trump it is best to overcall only
on shapely hands (especially over a strong NT). Since you are
already at the two level, you really need something more
sophisticated than simple natural overcalls in order to show two
suited hands. There are numerous different defences to 1NT around,
but one of the most popular by more advanced players in America is
Cappelletti (also known as Hamilton – it depends on which coast of
the USA you are on) and sometimes called Pottage in the UK. |
This defence is not common in Europe ; but a popular defence is
Multi-Landy, which is the same as Cappelletti except that the
meanings of 2♣ and 2♦ are reversed. I
believe that Multi-Landy is a definite improvement over Cappelletti
and is what is described here. |
2♣ |
both majors (9+ cards) |
2♦ |
a single suited hand (6+ cards; could be any of
the 4 suits, but usually a major) |
2♥ |
5 ♥'s and a minor suit
2♠ |
5 ♠'s
and a minor suit |
2NT |
both minors (at least 5-5) |
3♣ |
♣'s |
3♦ |
♦'s |
Double |
penalties (15+ pts). |
| |
Let's start by looking at typical hands for using Multi Landy: -
Hand 1 |
Hand 2 |
Hand 3 |
Hand 4 |
Hand 5 |
Hand 6 |
♠ |
AQ98 |
♠ |
KQJ642 |
♠ |
6 |
♠ |
KJ763 |
♠ |
4 |
♠ |
AQ |
♥ |
KJ763 |
♥ |
A8 |
♥ |
KJ763 |
♥ |
6 |
♥ |
84 |
♥ |
K98 |
♦ |
6 |
♦ |
652 |
♦ |
AJ985 |
♦ |
AQJ9 |
♦ |
AQ985 |
♦ |
QJ1095 |
♣ |
Q75 |
♣ |
75 |
♣ |
K7 |
♣ |
Q76 |
♣ |
KQ763 |
♣ |
KJ8 | |
Hand 1: |
A typical major suited hand. 5-4 is OK for a
2♣ bid. |
Hand 2: |
A single suited hand, so overcall 2♦ . Partner
will ‘automatically' relay with 2♥ and you will then
bid 2♠ which partner will pass unless
he has game interest. |
Hand 3: |
A 2♥ overcall - showing
♥'s and a minor.
Hand 4: |
A 2♠ overcall - showing ♠'s
and a minor. The minor suit is usually 5 cards, but a decent 4
card minor is acceptable. Note that the major for these 2♥/♠ overcalls must always be 5
cards. |
Hand 5: |
Bid 2NT - Much the same as the UNT but you need
a few points, especially over a strong NT. You do not normally
expect to make a contract but this may make it difficult for
the opponents to find a major suit fit at a safe level. |
Hand 6: |
Double - You have good points sitting over the opener and
a safe lead. |
Responding after partner has made a Multi-Landy bid.
| |
Now let's cover what the partner of the Multi Landy bidder does.
We'll call him responder. |
a) |
Partner bids 2♣ - the major suits.
| |
Over 2♣ , responder bids his best major or
2♦ if he is equal
length. This is the big advantage over Cappellitti - when responder
is equal length he bids 2♦ and then the
overcaller can bid his longer major. With Cappelletti it is a
lottery as responder must choose a major and you can easily end up
playing in a 4-3 fit when there is a 5-3 fit in the other major.
Obviously when responder has one major longer than the other, he
bids the longer. |
Hand 7 |
Hand 8 |
Hand 9 |
Partner has overcalled 2♣ :
- |
With hand 7 we simply bid 2♠ .
♠ |
9854 |
♠ |
J74 |
♠ |
J7 |
With hand 8 we do not ‘pick' a major as we may well |
♥ |
Q43 |
♥ |
Q43 |
♥ |
Q4 |
end up in a 4-3 fit. The bid is 2♦ to get
partner to choose. |
♦ |
64 |
♦ |
A764 |
♦ |
A7642 |
And with hand 9 it's even more important to get |
♣ |
J62 |
♣ |
J64 |
♣ |
J642 |
partner to choose – 4-2 fits do not play well.
| |
b) |
Partner bids 2♦ - a single
suited hand. | |
2♦ is usually a major
suit. If you have a decent minor suit, it will often pay to defend
1NT – especially if you are on lead with a suit that is good to lead
from. Also, if your suit is a minor, then you have to play at the 3
level so it is usually best to defend, but if you do wish to bid a
long minor then it's best to bid 3♣/♦ directly. Thus this
2♦ is usually a major
suit. Responder bids using the same philosophy as with a
multi 2♦ opening that
includes a both majors option, ie :- |
Responder normally bids 2♥ ,
but bids 2♠ if he is prepared to go to 3♥ or more opposites a ♥ suit (the same principle
as used in the Multi 2♦ ). Bear in mind
that overcaller is limited to around 14 high card points (with more,
he would usually double). Of course, nothing is lost on the odd
occasion where overcaller has a long minor (you will always be at
the 3 level). |
c) |
Partner bids 2♥/♠ -
the major bid + a minor suit. | |
Over a 2♥/♠
overcall, responder normally either passes or bids 2NT which
over-caller will correct to his minor. If responder bids a suit ( so
/3♣/♦ over 2♥; or 3♣/♦/♥ over 2♠ ) then
that is simply to play (presumably a 6+ card suit). A raise to 3 of
partner's major is invitational to game. |
d) |
Partner doubles – penalties. | |
Dbl should be passed unless responder has a very weak hand (4-
points), in which case he should attempt to bail out by bidding a 5
card suit. With a very flat weak hand it is usually best to pass;
partner may just have 1NT set in his own hand, and even if 1NT
doubled makes it is usually not total a disaster (it is not a game
contract). |
Note that the double should have an upper limit of about 18-19
points. Now it would be nice to defend 1NT doubled when you have a
huge hand but partner is very likely to have less than 5 points and
will pull it! |
Cappelletti or Multi Landy ? | |
Multi Landy has the (very big) advantage that you always find
the best major suit fit. Cappelletti has the advantage that you can
play in 2♦ (as opposed to
3♦ ) with a single
suited ♦ hand if you prefer
not to defend one No Trump. Up to you, but have a look at the more
comprehensive article entitled Cappelletti
or Multi-Landy? |
Defense to Multi Landy |
When partner opens 1NT and RHO makes a
Mult-Landy Bid then you need to have a defensive strategy. A
good one is given in Defence
to Multi Landy. |
| |
Pattaya Bridge Club - |
www.pattayabridge.com | |