Defending After Opponents Make a 2-Suited Overcall



If right-hand opponent overcalls partner's opening bid with an unusual 2NT, a Michaels cue-bid, or Ghestem, responder's initial decision will be driven by whether he wants to compete for the contract, investigate game, consider penalising opponents, just stay out of things.

If RHO's Michaels cue-bid identifies both his suits, i.e. he's cue-bid partner's opening minor suit, we can treat it exactly as we do the UNT and Ghestem.

Possible Actions

        -    a cue-bid of RHO's lower suit shows the lower of the other two suits, cue-bidding RHO's higher suit shows the higher. In one case this is showing support for partner, in the other it's showing a good 5-card [minimum] suit with game interest.

        -    with David Benjamin, a cue-bid of RHO's lower suit shows support for partner, cue-bidding RHO's higher suit [if known] shows at least 5 cards in the fourth suit.