(For all the card combinations shown, clearly mark the card normally led if different from the underlined card). Colour this box if using non-standard leads
v. suit contracts A K A K x K Q 10 K Q x K J 10 K 10 9 Q J 10
Q J x J 10 x 10 x x 10 9 x 9 8 7 x 10 x x x H x x
H x x x H x x x x H x x x x x x x x x x x x x x  
v. NT contracts A K A K x K Q 10 K Q x K J 10 K 10 9 Q J 10
Q J x J 10 x 10 x x 10 9 x 9 8 7 x 10 x x x H x x
H x x x H x x x x H x x x x x x x x x x x x x x  
Other agreements in leading, e.g. high-level contracts, partnership suits:
King requests unblock/count [against NT], count [against suit contract]
Ten not treated as an honour.


   Primary method v suit contracts  Primary method v NT contracts
On Partner's lead High encourage, low discourage [unless lead is king]
On Declarer's lead Count; high/low shows even number.
When discarding Could be McKenney
Other carding agreements, including secondary methods (state when applicable) and exceptions to above
McKenney where appropriate.


2.1 2 followed by 3-either-minor shows a weak hand with a 4-card major and a 6-card minor, and is to play.
2.2 2NT/3-major shows 4-card support, 7-loser/8-loser respectively
2.3 Bid shows suit bid plus next higher suit, min 4-4. Pass forces redouble, which is either passed, or 2-suit shows that suit plus higher, non-touching suit.
Redouble is relay to 2
for pass or correct
2.4 After our 1NT is overcalled, 2NT from responder asks opener to relay to 3, then all bids are relatively weak. Cue-bids are Staymanic. Cue-bids and 3NT deny stop if preceded by 2NT. Direct 3-level suit bids are forcing. 3-level suit bids preceded by 2NT are to play, but invitational if suit could have been bid at 2-level. Double shows values for 2NT with at least Hxx in overcaller's  explicit or inferred suit. 2-level cue bid is 2NT without stop.
 2.5 Ogust 2NT over 2/2♠  3♣/3 = min HCP, poor suit/good suit [2 of top 3]
3/3 = max HCP;  poor suit/good suit [2 of top 3]. 3NT=AKQ of suit.
2.6 3 asks for 5-card major. 3 rebid promises at least one 4-card major. If responder also has a 4-card major, he/she bids the other, or 4 with both. Applies over opening 2NT and over 2 followed by 2NT rebid.
Barry Randle   454644 Nigel Lancaster  74784
Weak 2/. 5-card suit.
Strength:  12-14

 Tick if artificial and provide details below:


Shape constraints:  May have any 5-card suit

Tick if may have singleton:


Responses: 2  Stayman [promissory] [see 2.1]
2 Transfer to hearts [see 2.2] 2 Transfer to spades [see 2.2]
2 Range ask [2NT min, 3 max] 2NT Transfer to a minor
Others 3-any-suit is slam try. Rebid is 3NT or RKCB response.
Action after opponents double:  Helvic: pass forces redouble [see 2.3].
Action after other interference:  Penalty-oriented double; Lebensohl [see 2.4]


  Meaning   Responses  
2 8+ playing tricks any suit  or 23/24 balanced 2 relay; rebid non-forcing  
2 Game-forcing or 25+ balanced 2 Negative


2 Weak, 5-9 NV, 6-10 Vul. Usually 6-card suit. Wider-ranging in 3rd position. 10-14 in 4th position. 2NT Ogust enquiry

New suit = one-round force


2NT 20-22, may contain any 5-card suit 3=5-card puppet Stayman
/ are transfers; 3=minors


4-card suits are bid up the line.
3rd-seat openings may be stretched.

22 Feb 2018