Opening Leads

[10 not treated as an honour]

v suit contracts 4th; 2nd from bad suit [10 not an honour]
A K A K x K Q 10 K Q x K J 10
K 10 9 Q J 10 Q J x J 10 x 10 x x
10 9 x 9 8 7 x 10 x x x K x x x x H x x x x x
H x x x H x x x x x x x x x x x
v NT contracts 4th; 2nd from bad suit [10 not an honour]
A K x x A J 10 x K Q 10 K Q x K J 10
K 10 9 Q J 10 Q J x J 10 x 10 x x
10 x x x 10 9 x 9 8 7 x H x x H x x x x x
H x x x x H x x x x x x x x x x x x
Carding Methods [alternatives in brackets]
On Partner's lead Attitude HELD, [count/unblock on lead of King]
On Declarer's lead High/low shows even number
When discarding Revolving [high card is stronger signal, low card rarely significant]
Exceptions to above McKenny where appropriate
Slam Conventions Meaning of Responses Action over interference
Gerber over 1NT/2NT 4¨=0, 4©=1, 4ª=2, 4NT=3 D0P1, etc
Roman Key-card Blackwood/Redwood

4-minor over 1-minor is RKCB

Step 1:1/4, Step 2=0/3, Steps 3/4: 2 [without/with Queen trumps] D0P1, etc
Other Conventions
Long-suit trial bids.  4th-suit forcing
Lebensohl After intervention over 1NT and opposite t/o double of weak 2-bid.
Cue-bid of opponent's suit is Staymanic with stop

Double shows at least Hxx in overcaller's suit, values for 2NT
2NT then:
    cue-bid of opponent's suit is Staymanic without stop

    3NT denies stop in overcaller's suit
    bid of a suit is to play

Ghestem 2-suited overcall.  2NT=2 lowest; cue-bid=2 middle; 3§=2 highest.
Strength is weak or strong, not intermediate [i.e. not 11-15]
Splinter Double jump over partner's opening/response shows game-going support for partner's suit with singleton/void in bid suit.
Jacoby 4-rebid shows minimum hand; 3-rebid shows extra length, 3-other suit shows singleton, 3NT shows balanced hand. 4 new suit = good 5-card.
Transfers Over 1NT: ¨»©, ©»ª, ª=Baron, 2NT»3§. Direct 3-level bids are slam tries.
Over 2NT: ¨»©, ©»ª, 3ª = Baron, 4©/ª = slam try in §/¨
2NT over 2©/ª 3§=poor suit/min, 3¨=good suit /min, 3©=poor suit/max, 3ª=good suit/max. 'Good' = 2 of top 3. 3NT = very good suit
After 1NT* ** forces 2§; 2 of suit shows lower of 2 touching suits; pass forces ** then pass is to play, suit is lower of non-touching suits.
Crowhurst 1NT rebid = 12-16; after 2§ enquiry, 2NT = 14. 2/3 major suit bids show undisclosed major feature
After UNT Cue-bidding lower suit is forcing raise, higher suit is forcing with 4th suit
Truscott *=§+©,1¨=§+©, 1©=©+ª, 1ª=ª+§, 1NT=§+ª,2§+§+¨. Over 1¨, 2¨=¨+©. Other bids single-suited
Over Multi 2¨ 2©/ª=t/o of other major, dbl=13/16 or 20+, 2NT=17/19